Friday, September 27, 2013

Sonicare HealthyWhite: Review + photos

Hello! Today, I'm blogging oral hygiene. Exciting, I know.

After using a manual toothbrush for years, I got tired of the plaque I could still feel toward the back of my teeth. And my teeth were also suffering from my love for tea.

I finally gave in and initally purchased the Philips Sonicare HealthyWhite rechargeable toothbrush at Target ($113 during a sale; usually $120) in hopes of getting them cleaner and brighter.

I saw that Costco carried a set of TWO for $109 (after an instant rebate of $40!) but it was sold out online.

Well, thankfully, a dear friend and I went to a Costco nearby after learning they carried the sets in store. Boom! A better deal right before my eyes.

So I returned the other one to Target and gave my boyfriend the second toothbrush. Such a great deal!

I have to say my teeth have never felt cleaner!

Sonicare HealthyWhite claims to make your teeth whiter in just 1 week, and I'm already starting to see change after a few days.

Without adding additional pressure, gliding this brush along my teeth makes such a big difference.

They feel polished every time, like I just went to the dentist. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's so true.

It comes in 3 modes: Clean, Sensitive, and Clean and White, which is what I like using the most so far.

It's timed, so after 2 minutes of regular brushing, there's an added 30 seconds of "White" mode to focus on your front teeth.

The package deal from Costco comes with the following:

--2 HealthyWhite handles
--2 DiamondClean brush heads
--1 UV Sanitizer (which the Target version did NOT have) with an integrated charger, cord wrap and brush head storage
--1 multi-voltage, compact travel charger
--2 travel cases

You just have to change out the brush head every 3 months or so. At Costco, they sell a pack of 6 for $50.

For the same DiamondClean brushes at Target, you'd have to pay $30 for just 2!

I haven't used the UV Sanitizer yet, so I can't complain about it if it doesn't work since this whole package is still SUCH a better deal than Target.

The product comes with a 2-year warranty, and then you can sign up for an additional 6 months online by registering your toothbrushes.

The instant rebate at Costco expires on Sept. 29, 2013, so I highly recommend grabbing this in-store deal if you're a Costco member (or if you have a friend/family member who is one)!

And even if this is long after the instant rebate, it's still a way better deal at Costco.

Do you prefer manual or rechargeable toothbrushes? Let me know! Thanks for reading.

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